
Friday 4 March 2011

Learn C programming at iT FuNdA: Lesson 1

Hi dears!
            With the name of Almighty Allah I am starting first ever lesson of C Programming. If anyone really want to learn programming in C. He/She should read lesson carefully and must practice it.

   So Starting our first lesson with basic concepts from Programming.

            The process of instructing computer to do something is Programming. Computer programming is a set of instruction which causes computer to do some process.
For Example if we want to add two numbers we should instruct computer through some programming language so that computer can understand our instruction and add two numbers.

              The artificial language that have some rules called syntax following which we can write Programs.

              There are three main types of Programming languages based upon understanding level be human and computer. These are    1. Low level Language    2.Middle level Language   3. High Level Language

Low Level Language:
            The language which is directly understandable by computer without any translation is called low level language also called as Machine language. It is the language of 0's and 1's. you often seen a computer code written as 111001010100101 it is written in machine language. Machine language is machine dependent. It varies from machine to machine.

Middle Level Language:
          This Language is the combination of machine code and human language words specially English. Example of middle level Language is Assembly Language.Middle Level Languages need a bit of translation because computer cannot understand English oriented words.

High Level Language:
          This type of languages are purely composed of human oriented Languages specially English. High level Languages must have to be translated in machine code before running or executing. Examples of High level Languages are C, C++, Java, C# etc.

         A software That translates high level code into machine code i-e if one write a program in C, he/she must have to use translator to translate his/her code into machine code so that computer can understand instruction and can execute them.

Types of Translators:
           There are two types of translators i-e Compiler and interpreter. The difference between compiler and interpreter is that Compiler translates the whole code at once but interpreter translates code line by line means one line at a time.

                   Now Coming to our Desired Topic Programming in C  

           C is a structured, procedural programming language that has been widely used both for operating systems and applications and that has had a wide following in the academic community. Many versions of UNIX-based operating systems are written in C. C has been standardized as part of the Portable Operating System Interface

Now what is Structured and Procedural Programming?

        Procedural means in Type of programming when control goes through instruction by instruction to end. Means from Start to bottom control transfers from one statement to another in a sequence no alteration or change in this sequence.

      Structured means type of Programming in which Blocks of codes are created called modules or function or methods which are called when needed and no matter how many times you called them they are written only once. This concept makes C programming very easy, simple and understandable.

          C language is developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Laboratories in mid 70's. Although they developed C for system programming but C has proved to be a powerful, flexible language that can be used for developing a variety of applications. C is very popular among Personal Computer Programmers because it is relatively small and requires less memory than other programming languages. Although C is high Level language, but it is very close to assembly language, which increase efficiency of C programs.

Compiler for C:
      As aforementioned C is a high Level language so it needs a Compiler to translates codes into machine language so that computer can understand it and can execute it. There are a variety of compilers for C in market. Some are as under

Microsoft Visual Studio. 
Turbo C
and so on
            I like Microsoft Visual Studio and Turbo C very much because of their user friendly environment. WE will use Turbo C 3.0. For Learning C in this tutorial.

So dudes this is Our First Lesson of C Programming. Hope you all understand and enjoy the whole course and feel free to ask any question about lesson. Good bye

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